Escape in the city

Play escape in the city now! A very exciting outing!

TB Events has now developed a thrill seeking city game from the popular concept Escape room: Escape in the city. Time passes and from many riddles, puzzles, secrets and codes comes only one solution to escape. Together with your group you will enter the city* and it is your task to solve all the assignments and get the key to the city in your possession. Do you think you'll be able to do it in time? An exciting team building activity in the city!

What awaits you during the Escape in the city?
After an extensive explanation of the game, teams are formed. By solving all kinds of riddles, puzzles, codes, cryptograms and many more tricky games you and your team get a new code or clue every time. With the help of location games, your team can earn bonus clues. Also, your team can get hold of a crucial tool! Which team will be the first to solve everything in time and will receive the key to the city?

Request an obligation-free quotation here.

*All city games are offered on the site of Wunderland Kalkar. If desired, it is of course also possible to organise the city games in one of the nearby cities. Transport costs are for your own account.