
Kernwasser Wunderland Freizeitpark GmbH
Griether Str. 110-120
D-47546 Kalkar
Vertreten durch Jan van Eck und Aart van Eck
Telefon: 02824-9100
Telefax: 02824-910 299
Eintragung im Handelsregister
Registernummer: 1674
Registergericht: Kleve
gemäß §27 a Umsatzsteuergesetz
DE 811995053
More Wunderland

Park map
Are you planning a visit to the amusement park soon? Find out on which days and at what times the park is open, and enjoy your day there as long as possible.

All opening hours
Are you planning a visit to Kernie's amusement park soon? Find out on which days and at what times the park is open, and enjoy your day there as long as possible.

Let the wind blow through your hair on the Roller coaster and enjoy the magnificent view from the Ferris wheel with your family. The amusement park offers numerous attractions for young and old.

Let the wind blow through your hair on the Roller coaster and enjoy the magnificent view from the Ferris wheel with your family. The amusement park offers numerous attractions for young and old.

Wunderland Blog
Wunderland Blog